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Definition and characteristics

The term "antitau lepton" likely refers to the antiparticle counterpart of the tau lepton, which is one of the three types of heavy leptons in the Standard Model of particle physics. The tau lepton, denoted as τ, has an electric charge of -1e and a mass significantly larger than that of the electron and muon.

The antitau lepton, denoted as τ⁻ (tau minus), is the antimatter counterpart of the tau lepton. Like all antiparticles, the antitau lepton has opposite electric charge compared to its corresponding particle. Therefore, the antitau lepton carries a positive electric charge of +1e.

Key characteristics of the antitau lepton include:

Charge: The antitau lepton has a positive electric charge of +1e, in contrast to the negative charge of the tau lepton.

Mass: The antitau lepton has a mass of approximately 1777 MeV/c² (megaelectronvolts per speed of light squared), making it significantly heavier than both the electron and the muon.

Spin: Like all leptons, both the tau lepton and its antiparticle have a spin of 1/2 ħ (reduced Planck's constant), indicating their intrinsic angular momentum.

Lifetime: The tau lepton and its antiparticle are unstable and decay into lighter particles. The lifetime of the tau lepton is very short, on the order of 2.9 x 10-13 seconds, and the antitau lepton would have a similar lifetime.

Weak Interaction: Tau leptons, like other leptons, interact via the weak force, which is responsible for processes such as beta decay. The weak force is one of the fundamental forces in the Standard Model.

Production and Detection: Antitau leptons can be produced in high-energy particle collisions, such as those occurring in particle accelerators. They can be detected through their decay products, which typically include lighter leptons, neutrinos, and other particles, depending on the decay channel.

Combinations with antitau leptons

The tau lepton is predicted to form exotic atoms like other charged subatomic particles. One of such, consists of an antitau and an electron:  τ+ e−, called tauonium.

Another one is an onium atom τ+ τ− called ditauonium or true tauonium, which is challenging to detect due to the difficulty to form it from two (opposite-sign) short-lived tau leptons.[1]  Its experimental detection would be an interesting test of quantum electrodynamics. [2]

Creation of antitau lepton

Antitau leptons can be created through various processes in high-energy particle interactions. These processes typically occur in particle accelerators or cosmic-ray interactions. Here are some key mechanisms for antitau lepton production:

Pair Production in Electron-Positron Collisions:

In high-energy electron-positron collisions, where electrons and positrons (antielectrons) annihilate each other, the released energy can be used to create particle-antiparticle pairs. This includes the creation of tau and antitau lepton pairs. The energy required for tau-antitau production is higher compared to processes involving lighter particles due to the tau lepton's larger mass.

Related Papers : See  Tau Pair Production

Electron-positron annihilation :

An electron and positron can annihilate and via the Z°-boson can a tau antitau pair be created.

Related Papers : See Annihilation of electrons

Weak Decays of Heavy Particles:

Heavy particles, such as certain mesons and baryons, can undergo weak decays that produce tau-antitau lepton pairs. These decays are mediated by the weak force, one of the fundamental forces in particle physics. Examples include the decay of certain types of charmed mesons or baryons that result in tau and antitau lepton production.

Tau Lepton Production in Hadron Collisions:

Tau leptons, including their antiparticles, can be produced in high-energy hadron collisions, where protons or other hadrons collide. The collision energy must be sufficient to create tau-antitau lepton pairs directly or through the decay of other particles produced in the collision.

Top Quark Decays:

The top quark, the heaviest known quark, can decay into a W boson and a bottom quark. The W boson can then decay into a tau lepton and its corresponding neutrino, leading to the production of tau and antitau leptons. This process occurs in top quark-antiquark pair production and subsequent decays

Related Papers :  see  Top Quark Decay

Tau Lepton Production in Neutrino Interactions:

Neutrinos, which interact weakly with other particles, can participate in interactions that produce tau leptons. In some cases, antitau leptons are also produced in such interactions, typically in neutrino-nucleon scattering processes.


Figure 261 - Electron-positron annihilation creating antitau lepton


Figure 264 - Leading-order Feynman diagram for t ¯ t decay


Figure 263 - Diagrams of the main production mechanisms of tau leptons in electron–proton collisions: a) tau pair production via photon–photon collisions and b) single W boson production


Figure 262 - emission process of a tau-antitau pair by a proton of incoming momentum p,

mediated by a photon or a Z boson

Figure 265 - Schematics of the production and decay topology of a tau-lepton produced in CHORUS by a tau-neutrino possibly generated in the oscillation of the muon neutrinos of the CERN WANF beam.

D. Decay of the antitau lepton

The primary decay modes of the antitau lepton involve the weak force interactions mediated by the exchange of W and Z bosons. Here are some of the possible decay processes of the antitau lepton:

Leptonic Decay: The antitau lepton can decay into its antineutrino (ν̄τ) and other charged leptons (e.g., positron and antineutrino). The leptonic decay channels are analogous to those of the tau lepton: τˉ−→νˉτ​+e++νe​

Hadronic Decay: The antitau lepton can also undergo hadronic decays, where it produces a collection of mesons and baryons. The specific hadronic final state can vary, involving different combinations of mesons and baryons. An example is: τˉ−→νˉτ​+hadrons

Mixed Decay: The antitau lepton can undergo mixed decays, involving both leptonic and hadronic components. An example is: τˉ−→νˉτ​+e++νe​+hadrons

Decays with Tau Flavor Changing: In some beyond Standard Model theories, processes involving flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC) might be possible, leading to decay modes where the antitau changes flavor. However, such processes are highly suppressed in the Standard Model.

E. Annihilation of the antitau lepton

The annihilation of a tau anti-tau lepton can lead to the creation of W or Z bosons.

Related Papers (See Annihilation of the Tau Lepton)

F. Fusion of antitau leptons

See annihilation of the tau lepton

Related Papers (See Fusion of the Tau Lepton)

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[1]  d'Enterria, David; Perez-Ramos, Redamy; Shao, Hua-Sheng (2022). "Ditauonium spectroscopy". European Physical Journal C. 82 (10): 923. arXiv:2204.07269doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10831-xS2CID 248218441

[2] d'Enterria, David; Shao, Hua-Sheng (2023). "Prospects for ditauonium discovery at colliders". Physics Letters B. 842: 137960. arXiv:2302.07365doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137960.

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