the standard model
- subatomic composite fermions contain an odd number of quarks (mostly 3)
- the force carrier particle of the strong interaction between the fermions is the
- the particles are called baryons if they have at least 3 quarks
- subatomic composite bosons containing only 2 quarks are called mesons
- the force carrier particle of the strong interaction is the gluon
Hadrons are eigenstates of the strong force.
Hadrons will decay via the strong interaction to lighter mass states if energetically feasible (i.e. mass of parent > mass of daughters). And, angular momentum and parity must be conserved in strong decays.
Hadrons can also decay via the electromagnetic interaction
Examples :
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In-depth reading
Unveiling the strong interaction among hadrons at the LHC. Nature volume 588, pages232–238 (2020)
Sakata model of hadrons revisited . Eugene V. Stefanovich. (2010)
Hadron physics. D. G. Ireland (University of Glasgow) (2017)
The Structure of Hadronic Physics. John Dainton
Recent developments
nNNPDF3.0: Evidence for a modified partonic structure in heavy nuclei. Rabah Abdul Khalek,Rhorry Gauld,Tommaso Giani,Emanuele R. Nocera,4Tanjona R. Rabemananjara, and Juan Rojo (2022)