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12.1 General


The observed baryonic matter in the universe - the matter made of protons, neutrons, and electrons - is about 80% hydrogen by mass. Most of the rest is helium, with an almost negligible amount of heavier elements. One can use statistical mechanics to understand the behavior of this hydrogen under the conditions prevalent in the early universe, but I will not attempt such a calculation in this course. As one might guess, hydrogen will ionize (i.e. break up into separate protons and electrons) if the temperature is high enough. The temperature necessary to cause ionization depends on the density, but for the history of our universe one can say that the hydrogen is ionized when T is greater than about 4.000 K.

Thus, when the temperature falls below 4.000 K, the ionized hydrogen coalesces into neutral atoms. The process is usually called \recombination," although it is difficult to explain the significance of the prefix "re-". When recombination occurs, the universe becomes essentially transparent to photons. The photons cease to interact with the other particles, and this process is called \decoupling". Decoupling occurs slightly later than recombination, at a temperature of about 3.000 K, since even a small residual density of free electrons is enough to keep the photons coupled to the other particles. The photons which we observe today in the cosmic background radiation are photons which for the most part have last scattered at the time of decoupling.

We can estimate the time of decoupling by using the constancy of aT. Here T indicates the temperature of the photons, since the neutrinos have decoupled and are not relevant to the current discussion. It is very accurate to assume that aT has remained constant from the time of decoupling to the present, since the photons are not interacting significantly with anything else, so the conservation of photon entropy implies that a³sγ α a³T³ is constant. Using the subscript d to denote quantities evaluated at the time of decoupling, and subscript 0 to denote quantities evaluated at the present time, one has

from which one has immediately that

Assuming that the universe is flat, and making the crude approximation that it can be treated as matter-dominated from td to the present, one has a(t) α t²⁄³ and

Solving, one has 

12.2 Recombination history of Hydrogyn [3]

The cosmic ionization history is generally described in terms of the free electron fraction xe as a function of redshift. It is the ratio of the abundance of free electrons to the total abundance of hydrogen (both neutral and ionized). Denoting by ne the number density of free electrons, nH that of atomic hydrogen and np that of ionized hydrogen (i.e. protons), xe is defined as

Since hydrogen only recombines once helium is fully neutral, charge neutrality implies ne = np, i.e. xe is also the fraction of ionized hydrogen.

12.3 Rough estimate from equilibrium theory  [3]

It is possible to find a rough estimate of the redshift of the recombination epoch assuming the recombination reaction 



 is fast enough that it proceeds near thermal equilibrium. The relative abundance of free electrons, protons and neutral hydrogen is then given by the Saha equation:

where me is the mass of the electron, kB is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature, ħ is the reduced Planck's constant, and EI = 13.6 eV is the ionization energy of hydrogen.  [4]  Charge neutrality requires ne = np, and the Saha equation can be rewritten in terms of the free electron fraction xe:

All quantities in the right-hand side are known functions of z, the redshift: the temperature is given by T = 2.728 (1 + z) K,[4] and the total density of hydrogen (neutral and ionized) is given by np + nH = 1.6 (1+z)3 m−3.

Solving this equation for a 50 percent ionization fraction yields a recombination temperature of roughly 4000 K, corresponding to redshift z = 1500.

12.4 Helium Recombination  [3]

Helium nuclei are produced during Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and make up about 24% of the total mass of baryonic matter. The ionization energy of helium is larger than that of hydrogen and it therefore recombines earlier. Because neutral helium carries two electrons, its recombination proceeds in two steps. The first recombination,



proceeds near Saha equilibrium and takes place around redshift z≈ 6000.  [5]  The second recombination, 



 is slower than what would be predicted from Saha equilibrium and takes place around redshift z ≈ 2000.  [6] The details of helium recombination are less critical than those of hydrogen recombination for the prediction of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, since the universe is still very optically thick after helium has recombined and before hydrogen has started its recombination.





12.5 Recent Developments

  1. Precision measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB): The CMB is a remnant radiation from the early universe that provides a snapshot of the universe about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Recent observations of the CMB, such as those made by the Planck satellite, have provided highly precise measurements of the CMB's temperature and polarization, which have helped to refine our understanding of the recombination epoch.

  2. Large-scale galaxy surveys: Observations of large-scale structures, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters, have also provided new insights into the recombination epoch. By measuring the distribution of galaxies at different distances, astronomers can infer the properties of the universe at different times. Recent surveys, such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Dark Energy Survey, have provided a wealth of new data that has been used to refine our understanding of the early universe.

  3. Theoretical developments: Advances in theoretical physics, such as the development of new models of dark matter and dark energy, have also contributed to our understanding of the recombination epoch. These models help to explain the large-scale structure of the universe and the distribution of matter and radiation.

12.6 Advised Literature

12.7 Online Library

early universe.jpg


[1]  The Early Universe.  Lecture notes. Prof. Alan H. Guth. Massachusetts Institue of Technology.

[2]  On p. 159, Ryden quotes a more accurate numerical calculation, giving td ≈ 350.000 yr.

[3]  Wikipedia

[4]  Ryden 2003, p. 157

[5]  Switzer, Eric R.; Hirata, Christopher M. (2008). "Primordial helium recombination. III. Thomson scattering, isotope shifts, and cumulative results". Physical Review D. 77 (8): 083008. arXiv:astro-ph/0702145Bibcode:2008PhRvD..77h3008Sdoi:10.1103/PhysRevD.77.083008S2CID 119504365.

[6]  Switzer, Eric R.; Hirata, Christopher M. (2008). "Primordial helium recombination. I. Feedback, line transfer, and continuum opacity". Physical Review D. 77 (8): 083006. arXiv:astro-ph/0702143Bibcode:2008PhRvD..77h3006Sdoi:10.1103/PhysRevD.77.083006S2CID 9425660.

arXiv:2302.04644  [pdfother

Can neutrino-assisted early dark energy models ameliorate the H0 tension in a natural way?

Authors: Diogo H. F. de SouzaRogerio Rosenfeld

Abstract: The idea of neutrino-assisted early dark energy (νEDE) was introduced with the aim of reducing some of the fine-tuning required in usual early dark energy (EDE) models. The activation of the EDE field around the recombination epoch can arise as a result of a ``neutrino kick" occurring when neutrinos transition from relativistic to nonrelativistic species. We show that although νEDE can open up the parameter space especially with respect to the initial field value, unfortunately the kick alone is insufficient to provide cosmologically interesting values of the relevant EDE parameters. 

Submitted 9 February, 2023; originally announced February 2023.

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures


arXiv:2209.07804  [pdfother

Isotropic cosmic birefringence from early dark energy

Authors: Kai MuraiFumihiro NaokawaToshiya NamikawaEiichiro Komatsu

Abstract: A tantalizing hint of isotropic cosmic birefringence has been found in the EB cross-power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization data with a statistical significance of 3σ. A pseudoscalar field coupled to the CMB photons via the Chern-Simons term can explain this observation. The same field may also be responsible for early dark energy (EDE), which alleviates the so-called Hubble tension. Since the EDE field evolves significantly during the recombination epoch, the conventional formula that relates EB to the difference between the E- and B-mode auto-power spectra is no longer valid. Solving the Boltzmann equation for polarized photons and the dynamics of the EDE field consistently, we find that currently favored parameter space of the EDE model yields a variety of shapes of the EB spectrum, which can be tested by CMB experiments. 

Submitted 26 January, 2023; v1 submitted 16 September, 2022; originally announced September 2022.

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. (v2) Expanded discussion on forecasts for SO and CMB-S4. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

Report number: RESCEU-16/22


arXiv:2209.06088  [pdfother

Suitability of Magnetic Microbolometers based on Paramagnetic Temperature Sensors for CMB Polarization Measurements

Authors: Juan Manuel GeriaMatias Rolf HampelSebastian KempfJuan Jose BonaparteLuciano Pablo FerreyroManuel Eliías Garcia RedondoDaniel Alejandro AlmelaJuan Manuel SalumNahuel MüllerJesus David Bonilla-NeiraAlan Ezequiel FusterManuel PlatinoAlberto Etchegoyen

Abstract: High resolution maps of polarization anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) are in high demand, since the discovery of primordial B-Modes in the polarization patterns would confirm the inflationary phase of the Universe that would have taken place before the last scattering of the CMB at the recombination epoch. Transition Edge Sensors (TES) and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) are the predominant detector technologies of cryogenic detector array based CMB instruments that search for primordial B-Modes. In this paper we propose another type of cryogenic detector to be used for CMB survey: A magnetic microbolometer (MMB) that is based on a paramagnetic temperature sensor. It is an adaption of state-of-the-art metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMCs) that are meanwhile a key technology for high resolution α, β, γ and X-ray spectroscopy as well as the study of neutrino mass. The effort to adapt MMCs for CMB surveys is triggered by their lack of Johnson noise associated with the detector readout, the possibility of straightforward calibration and higher dynamic range given it possesses a broad and smooth responsivity dependence with temperature and the absence of Joule dissipation which simplifies the thermal design. A brief proof of concept case study is analyzed, taking into account typical constraints in CMB measurements and reliable microfabrication processes. The results show that MMBs provide a promising technology for CMB polarization survey as their sensitivity can be tuned for background limited detection of the sky while simultaneously maintaining a low time response to avoid distortion of the point-source response of the telescope. As the sensor technology and its fabrication techniques are compatible with TES based bolometric detector arrays, a change of detector technology would even come with very low cost. 

Submitted 16 February, 2023; v1 submitted 13 September, 2022; originally announced September 2022.

Comments: 20 pages, 11 figures. Published in SPIE's Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems (JATIS)

Journal ref: J. Astron. Telesc. Instrum. Syst. 9(1), 016002 (2023)


arXiv:2207.14487  [pdfother

Coupled and uncoupled early dark energy, massive neutrinos and the cosmological tensions

Authors: Adrià Gómez-ValentZiyang ZhengLuca AmendolaChristof WetterichValeria Pettorino

Abstract: Some cosmological models with non-negligible dark energy fractions in particular windows of the pre-recombination epoch are capable of alleviating the Hubble tension quite efficiently, while keeping the good description of the data that are used to build the cosmic inverse distance ladder. There has been an intensive discussion in the community on whether these models enhance the power of matter fluctuations, leading {\it de facto} to a worsening of the tension with the large-scale structure measurements. We address this pivotal question in the context of several early dark energy (EDE) models, considering also in some cases a coupling between dark energy and dark matter, and the effect of massive neutrinos. We fit them using the Planck 2018 likelihoods, the supernovae of Type Ia from the Pantheon compilation and data on baryon acoustic oscillations. We find that ultra-light axion-like (ULA) EDE can actually alleviate the H0 tension without increasing the values of σ12 with respect to those found in the ΛCDM, whereas EDE with an exponential potential does not have any impact on the tensions. A coupling in the dark sector tends to enhance the clustering of matter, and the data limit a lot the influence of massive neutrinos, since the upper bounds on the sum of their masses are too close to those obtained in the standard model. We find that in the best case, namely ULA, the Hubble tension is reduced to ∼2σ. 

Submitted 24 October, 2022; v1 submitted 29 July, 2022; originally announced July 2022.

Comments: 27 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D


arXiv:2207.09824  [pdfpsother

Peculiar velocities in the early universe

Authors: Myrto MaglaraChristos G. Tsagas

Abstract: Large-scale peculiar motions are commonplace in our universe. Nevertheless, their origin, evolution and implications are still largely unknown. It is generally assumed that bulk motions are a relatively recent addition to the universal kinematics, triggered by the increasing inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the post-recombination epoch. In this work, we focus on the linear evolution of peculiar velocities prior to recombination, namely in the late radiation era and also during a phase of de Sitter inflation. We begin by showing/confirming that bulk motions are triggered and sustained by the non-gravitational forces developed during structure formation. Since density and therefore peculiar-velocity perturbations cannot grow in the baryonic sector before recombination, we consider drift motions in non-baryonic species, which can start growing in the late radiation era. Using relativistic linear cosmological perturbation theory, we find that peculiar motions in the low-energy dark component exhibit power-law growth, which increases further after equipartition. Turning to the very early universe, we consider the evolution of linear peculiar velocities during a phase of de Sitter inflation. We find that typical slow-roll scenarios do not source peculiar motions. Moreover, even if the latter were to be present at the onset of the de Sitter phase, the subsequent exponential expansion should quickly wash away any traces of peculiar-velocity perturbations. 

Submitted 19 October, 2022; v1 submitted 20 July, 2022; originally announced July 2022.

Comments: Typos corrected. Published version

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 106, 083505 (2022)


arXiv:2207.06719  [pdfother

Consistency test of the fine-structure constant from the whole ionization history

Authors: Ke WangLu Chen

Abstract: In cosmology, the fine-structure constant can affect the whole ionization history. However, the previous works confine themselves to the recombination epoch and give various strong constraints on the fine-structure constant. In this paper, we also take the reionization epoch into consideration and do a consistency test of the fine-structure constant from the whole ionization history. From the data combination of Planck 2018, BAO data, SNIa samples, SFR density from UV and IR measurements, and the QHII constraints, we find the constraint on the fine-structure constant during the recombination epoch is αrec/αEM=1.001494+0.002041−0.002063 and its counterpart during the reionization epoch is αrei/αEM=0.854034+0.031678−0.027209 at 68% C.L.. They are not consistent with each other by 4.64σ. A conservative explanation for such a discrepancy is that there are some issues in the data we used. We prefer a calibration of some important parameters involved in reconstructing the reionization history. 

Submitted 2 October, 2022; v1 submitted 14 July, 2022; originally announced July 2022.

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures


arXiv:2204.08088  [pdfother

Thermal SZ effect in a magnetized IGM dominated by interacting DM decay/annihilation during dark ages

Authors: Arun Kumar PandeySunil Malik

Abstract: During cosmic dawn, the thermal history of the universe is well studied, and a study of this era can give us some of the most useful insight into the universe before the recombination epoch. Its precise modeling and future high-precision measurements will be a valuable tool for determining the thermal history of the universe. In the present work, we study the thermal and ionization history of IGM in the presence of decaying magnetic fields via ambipolar and turbulent decay, Baryon-Dark matter (BDM) interaction, including the DM decay/annihilation. The BDM interaction cross-sections considered are of the form σ=σ0vn, where n=−2 and n=−4. In this work, we show that in the current scenario, the decay/annihilation of the DM particles have a considerable impact on the temperature and ionization histories at low redshift. With the addition of the concept of fractional interaction, which states that if a fraction of the DM particles interacts with the baryons, the temperature and ionization fraction of the baryons show a strong dependence on the percentage of DM particles interacting with the baryons. We have also studied the interesting consequences of the present scenario on the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect. We show that the highest value of the absolute value of the mean y−parameter in the current DM decay/annihilation scenario is well within the values derived from experimental data such as PLANCK, FIRAS, and PIXIE. Later we calculate the bound on the ordinary magnetic fields originating from the Dark photons. 

Submitted 17 April, 2022; originally announced April 2022.

Comments: 16 page, 23 Figures (Comments and suggestions are welcome)


arXiv:2111.07288  [pdfpsother

Inflaton-driven early dark energy

Authors: Michael Maziashvili

Abstract: By arranging the control parameters, we examine whether the mass varying neutrino model PRD 103, 063540 (2021), enabling one to unify inflation with the present dark energy, can be used for producing an early dark energy. The model works in the following way. At early stages of the Big-Bang, the inflaton trapped in the minimum at φ=0 gets uplifted due to interaction with neutrinos and starts to roll down to one of the degenerate minima of the effective potential and after a while gets anchored at this minimum, which in turn evolves in time very slowly. Correspondingly, the early dark energy taking place as a result of this dynamical symmetry breaking also varies in time very slowly. Shortly before the recombination epoch, however, the symmetry is restored and early dark energy disappears. A typical problem of the mass varying neutrino models is that they can hardly provide the needed amount of early dark energy at the tree-level because of smallness of neutrino masses. Nevertheless, the quantum fluctuations of φ can do the job in providing sufficient early dark energy under assumption that inflationary energy scale is of the order of 1\,TeV. Radiative as well as thermal corrections coming from the neutrino sector do not affect the model significantly. As for the gravity induced corrections to the effective potential - they can be safely ignored. 

Submitted 14 November, 2021; originally announced November 2021.

Comments: 8 pages

Journal ref: Astroparticle Physics 145, 102792 (2023)


arXiv:2107.11065  [pdfother

Early dark energy in the pre- and post-recombination epochs

Authors: Adrià Gómez-ValentZiyang ZhengLuca AmendolaValeria PettorinoChristof Wetterich

Abstract: Many quintessence models possess scaling or attractor solutions where the fraction of dark energy follows the dominant component in previous epochs of the expansion, or phase transitions may happen close to matter-radiation equality time. A non-negligible early dark energy (EDE) fraction around matter-radiation equality could contribute to alleviate the H0 tension. We constrain the EDE fraction using two approaches: first, we use a fluid parameterization that mimics the plateaux of the dominant components in the past. An alternative tomographic approach constrains the EDE density in binned redshift intervals. This allows us to reconstruct Ωde(z) before and after the decoupling of the CMB photons. We have employed Planck data 2018, the Pantheon supernovae of Type Ia (SNIa), galaxy clustering data, the prior on the absolute magnitude of SNIa by SH0ES, and weak lensing (WL) data from KiDS+VIKING-450 and DES-Y1. When we use a minimal parameterization mimicking the background plateaux, EDE has only a small impact on current cosmological tensions. The constraints on the EDE fraction weaken considerably when its sound speed is allowed to vary. By means of our binned analysis we put very tight constraints on the EDE fraction around the CMB decoupling time, ≲0.4% at 2σ c.l. We confirm previous results that a significant EDE fraction in the radiation-dominated epoch (RDE) loosens the H0 tension, but tends to worsen the σ8 one. The presence of EDE in the matter-dominated era helps to alleviate this issue. When the SH0ES prior and WL data are considered in the fitting analysis in combination with data from CMB, SNIa and baryon acoustic oscillations, the EDE fractions are constrained to be ≲2.6% in the RDE epoch and ≲1.5% in the redshift range z∈(100,1000) at 2σ c.l. The tensions remain at ∼2−3σ c.l. 

Submitted 22 September, 2021; v1 submitted 23 July, 2021; originally announced July 2021.

Comments: 17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. Version accepted for publication in PRD


arXiv:2105.13932  [pdfother

Updated cosmological constraints on Macroscopic Dark Matter

Authors: Luca CaloniMartina GerbinoMassimiliano Lattanzi

Abstract: We revise the cosmological phenomenology of Macroscopic Dark Matter (MDM) candidates, also commonly dubbed as Macros. A possible signature of MDM is the capture of baryons from the cosmological plasma in the pre-recombination epoch, with the consequent injection of high-energy photons in the baryon-photon plasma. By keeping a phenomenological approach, we consider two broad classes of MDM in which Macros are composed either of ordinary matter or antimatter. In both scenarios, we also analyze the impact of a non-vanishing electric charge carried by Macros. We derive constraints on the Macro parameter space from three cosmological processes: the change in the baryon density between the end of the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) decoupling, the production of spectral distortions in the CMB and the kinetic coupling between charged MDM and baryons at the time of recombination. In the case of neutral Macros we find that the tightest constraints are set by the baryon density condition in most of the parameter space. For Macros composed of ordinary matter and with binding energy I, this leads to the following bound on the reduced cross-section: σX/MX≲6.8⋅10−7(I/MeV)−1.56cm2g−1. Charged Macros with surface potential VX, instead, are mainly constrained by the tight coupling with baryons, resulting in σX/MX≲2⋅10−11(|VX|/MeV)−2cm2g−1. Finally, we show that future CMB spectral distortions experiments, like PIXIE and SuperPIXIE, would have the sensitivity to probe larger regions of the parameter space: this would allow either for a possible evidence or for an improvement of the current bounds on Macros as dark matter candidates. 

Submitted 28 May, 2021; originally announced May 2021.

Comments: 25 pages, 10 figures


arXiv:2105.03704  [pdfpsother

Mergers of primordial black holes in extreme clusters and the H0 tension

Authors: Yury Eroshenko

Abstract: We consider a cosmological model with dark matter in the form of ∼10−12M⊙ primordial black holes in dense weakly relativistic clusters with masses 18−560M⊙. It is shown that during the multiple collisions of the black holes the ∼10\% of the initial cluster mass can be transformed into gravitational waves in the time interval from recombination to the redshifts z≥10. At the recombination epoch, the density of matter was larger by ∼10\% and, accordingly, the universe expansion rate was higher. This leads to a shortening of the sound horizon scale, as is necessary to solve the "H0 tension" problem. 

Submitted 14 May, 2021; v1 submitted 8 May, 2021; originally announced May 2021.

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures; updated with the accepted version

Journal ref: Physics of the Dark Universe 32, 100833 (2021)


arXiv:2102.11257  [pdfother

Axi-Higgs Cosmology

Authors: Leo WH FungLingfeng LiTao LiuHoang Nhan LuuYu-Cheng QiuS. -H. Henry Tye

Abstract: If the electroweak Higgs vacuum expectation value v in early universe is ∼1% higher than its present value v0=246 GeV, the 7Li puzzle in BBN and the CMB/ΛCDM tension with late-universe measurements on Hubble parameter are mitigated. We propose a model of an axion coupled to the Higgs field, named ``axi-Higgs'', with its mass ma∼10−30−10−29eV and decay constant fa∼1017−1018GeV, to achieve this goal. The axion initial value aini yields an initial Δvini/v0∼0.01 throughout the BBN-recombination epoch and a percent level contribution to the total matter density today. Because of its very large de Broglie wavelength, this axion matter density ωa suppresses the matter power spectrum, alleviating the CMB/ΛCDM S8/σ8 tension with the weak-lensing data. It also explains the recently reported isotropic cosmic birefringence by its coupling with photons. Adding the axion (m∼10−22eV) in the fuzzy dark matter model to the axi-Higgs model allows bigger Δvrec and ωa to address the Hubble and S8/σ8 tensions simultaneously. The model predicts that Δv may be detected by the spectral measurements of quasars, while its oscillation may be observed in the atomic clock measurements. 

Submitted 3 September, 2021; v1 submitted 22 February, 2021; originally announced February 2021.

Comments: 52 pages, 8 figures. Matches the published version in JCAP

Journal ref: JCAP 08 (2021) 057


arXiv:2101.03740  [pdfother

Comparing early dark energy and extra radiation solutions to the Hubble tension with BBN

Authors: Osamu SetoYo Toda

Abstract: The shorten sound horizon scale at the recombination epoch by introducing extra energy components such as the extra radiation or early dark energy (EDE) is a simple approach to so-called the Hubble tension. We compare EDE models, an extra radiation model and an EDE and extra radiation co-existing model with paying attention to the fit to big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). We find that a fit to BBN in EDE models also is somewhat poorer than that in the ΛCDM model, because the increased inferred baryon asymmetry leads to smaller deuterium abundance. We find that an extra radiation-EDE co-existing model indicates the largest present Hubble parameter H0 between models studied. We also the examine data sets dependence, whether we include BBN or not. The difference in an extra radiation model is 3.22<Neff<3.49(68%) for data sets without BBN and 3.16<Neff<3.40(68%) for data sets with BBN, and is so large that the 1σ border of the larger side becomes the 2σ border. 

Submitted 27 July, 2021; v1 submitted 11 January, 2021; originally announced January 2021.

Comments: 17 pages,10 figures: discussions, figures and references added, version published in Phys. Rev. D

Report number: EPHOU-21-002

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 103, 123501 (2021)


arXiv:2011.11086  [pdfpsother

On Generalized Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi Metric. Fractal Matter at the end of Matter-Antimatter Recombination

Authors: Sergio CacciatoriAlessio MarraniFederico Re

Abstract: Many recent researches have investigated the deviations from the Friedmannian cosmological model, as well as their consequences on unexplained cosmological phenomena, such as dark matter and the acceleration of the Universe. On the one hand, a first order perturbative study of matter inhomogeneity returned a partial explanation of dark matter and dark energy, as relativistic effects due to the retarded potentials of far objects. On the other hand, the fractal cosmology, now modeled with a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric, results in distortions of the luminosity distances of SNe Ia, explaining the acceleration as apparent. In this work we extend the LTB metric to ancient times. The origin of the fractal distribution of matter is explained as the matter remnant after the matter-antimatter recombination epoch. We show that the evolution of such a inhomogeneity necessarily requires a dynamical generalization of LTB, and we propose a particular solution. 

Submitted 22 November, 2020; originally announced November 2020.

Comments: 1+26 pages, 0 figures


arXiv:2009.14174  [pdfother

NANOGrav signal from MHD turbulence at QCD phase transition in the early universe

Authors: A. NeronovA. Roper PolC. CapriniD. Semikoz

Abstract: The NANOGrav collaboration has recently reported evidence for the existence of a stochastic gravitational wave background in the 1-100 nHz frequency range. We argue that such background could have been produced by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence at the QCD scale. From the NANOGrav measurement one can infer the magnetic field parameters: comoving field strength close to microGauss and a correlation length close to 10\% of the Hubble radius at the QCD phase transition epoch. We point out that the turbulent decay of a non-helical magnetic field with such parameters leads to a magnetic field at the recombination epoch, which would be sufficiently strong to provide a solution to the Hubble tension problem, as recently proposed. We also show that the MHD turbulence interpretation of the NANOGrav signal can be tested via measurements of the relic magnetic field in the voids of the large scale structure, with gamma-ray telescopes like CTA. 

Submitted 16 March, 2021; v1 submitted 29 September, 2020; originally announced September 2020.

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 103, 041302 (2021)


arXiv:1912.04682  [pdfother

Improved model-independent constraints on the recombination era and development of a direct projection method

Authors: Luke HartJens Chluba

Abstract: The precision of recent experiments such as Planck have allowed us to constrain standard and non-standard physics (e.g., due to dark matter annihilation or varying fundamental constants) during the recombination epoch. However, we can also probe this era of cosmic history using model-independent variations of the free electron fraction, Xe, which in turn affects the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background. In this paper, we improve on the previous efforts to construct and constrain these generalised perturbations in the ionization history, deriving new optimized eigenmodes based on the full Planck 2015 likelihood data, introducing the new module 'FEARec++'. We develop a direct likelihood sampling method for attaining the numerical derivatives of the standard and non-standard parameters, and discuss complications arising from the stability of the likelihood code. We improve the amplitude constraints of the Planck 2015 principal components constructed here, μ1=−0.09±0.12, μ2=−0.17±0.20 and μ3=−0.30±0.35, finding no indication for departures from the standard recombination scenario. The third mode error is reduced by 60%. We utilise an efficient eigen-analyser that keeps the cross-correlations of the first three eigenmodes to ξμ,μ′<0.1% after marginalisation for all the considered data combinations. We also propose a new projection method for estimating constraints on the parameters of non-standard recombination. Using our eigenmodes, this allows us to recreate the Planck constraint on the two-photon decay rate, A2s1s=7.60±0.64, giving an estimate to within ≃0.05σ of the full MCMC result. The improvements on the analysis using the Planck data will allow us to implement this new method for analysis with fundamental constant variations in the future. 

Submitted 8 June, 2020; v1 submitted 10 December, 2019; originally announced December 2019.

Comments: 17 pages, 20 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS


arXiv:1912.00190  [pdfother

Can Non-standard Recombination Resolve the Hubble Tension?

Authors: Miaoxin LiuZhiqi HuangXiaolin LuoHaitao MiaoNaveen K. SinghLu Huang

Abstract: The inconsistent Hubble constant values derived from cosmic microwave background (CMB) observations and from local distance-ladder measurements may suggest new physics beyond the standard ΛCDM paradigm. It has been found in earlier works that, at least phenomenologically, non-standard recombination histories can reduce the ≳4σ Hubble tension to ∼2σ. Following this path, we vary physical and phenomenological parameters in RECFAST, the standard code to compute ionization history of the universe, to explore possible physics beyond standard recombination. We find that the CMB constraint on the Hubble constant is sensitive to the Hydrogen ionization energy and 2s→1s two-photon decay rate, both of which are atomic constants, and is insensitive to other details of recombination. Thus, the Hubble tension is very robust against perturbations of recombination history, unless exotic physics modifies the atomic constants during the recombination epoch. 

Submitted 30 November, 2019; originally announced December 2019.

Comments: 8 pages, 3 figures

Report number: SYSU-SPA-2020 MSC Class: 83F05 ACM Class: J.2

Journal ref: SCPMA, 63(9), 290405, 2020


arXiv:1910.14125  [pdfother

A new method to build the (inverse) distance ladder

Authors: David CamarenaValerio Marra

Abstract: The cosmic distance ladder is the succession of techniques by which it is possible to determine distances to astronomical objects. Here, we present a new method to build the cosmic distance ladder, going from local astrophysical measurements to the CMB. Instead of relying on high-redshift cosmography in order to model the luminosity-distance relation and calibrate supernovae with BAO, we exploit directly the distance-duality relation dL=(1+z)2dA---valid if photon number is conserved and gravity is described by a metric theory. The advantage is that the results will not depend on the parametrization of the luminosity-distance relation at z>0.15: no model is adopted in order to calibrate BAO with supernovae. This method yields local measurements of the Hubble constant and deceleration parameter. Furthermore, it can directly assess the impact of BAO observations on the strong 4--5σ tension between local and global H0. Using the latest supernova, BAO and CMB observations, we found a consistently low value of q0 and strong inconsistency between angular-only BAO constraints and anisotropic BAO measurements, which are, or not, in agreement with CMB depending on the kind of analysis (see Table~4). We conclude that, in order to understand the reasons behind the H0 crisis, a first step should be clarifying the tension between angular and perpendicular anisotropic BAO as this will help understanding if new physics is required at the pre-recombination epoch or/and during the dark energy era. 

Submitted 17 March, 2020; v1 submitted 30 October, 2019; originally announced October 2019.

Comments: 16 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables. v2 reflects version accepted for publication in MNRAS

Journal ref: MNRAS 495 (3), 2630-2644 (2020)


arXiv:1910.06272  [pdfpsother

CMB anisotropy and BBN constraints on pre-recombination decay of dark matter to visible particles

Authors: Sandeep Kumar AcharyaRishi Khatri

Abstract: Injection of high energy electromagnetic particles around the recombination epoch can modify the standard recombination history and therefore the CMB anisotropy power spectrum. Previous studies have put strong constraints on the amount of electromagnetic energy injection around the recombination era (redshifts z≲4500). However, energy injected in the form of energetic (> keV) visible standard model particles is not deposited instantaneously. The considerable delay between the time of energy injection and the time when all energy is deposited to background baryonic gas and CMB photons, together with the extraordinary precision with which the CMB anisotropies have been measured, means that CMB anisotropies are sensitive to energy that was injected much before the epoch of recombination. We show that the CMB anisotropy power spectrum is sensitive to energy injection even at z=10000, giving stronger constraints compared to big bang nucleosynthesis and CMB spectral distortions. We derive, using Planck CMB data, the constraints on long-lived unstable particles decaying at redshifts z≲10000 (lifetime τX≳1011s) by explicitly evolving the electromagnetic cascades in the expanding Universe, thus extending previous constraints to lower particle lifetimes. We also revisit the BBN constraints and show that the delayed injection of energy is important for BBN constraints. We find that the constraints can be weaker by a factor of few to almost an order of magnitude, depending on the energy, when we relax the quasi-static or on-the-spot assumptions. 

Submitted 18 December, 2019; v1 submitted 14 October, 2019; originally announced October 2019.

Comments: Comments welcome

Journal ref: JCAP12(2019)046


arXiv:1906.09845  [pdfother

Shape and Spin of Minihaloes. II: The Effect of Streaming Velocities

Authors: Maik DruschkeAnna T. P. SchauerSimon C. O. GloverRalf S. Klessen

Abstract: Models of the decoupling of baryons and photons during the recombination epoch predict the existence of a large-scale velocity offset between baryons and dark matter at later times, the so-called streaming velocity. In this paper, we use high resolution numerical simulations to investigate the impact of this streaming velocity on the spin and shape distributions of high-redshift minihalos, the formation sites of the earliest generation of stars. We find that the presence of a streaming velocity has a negligible effect on the spin and shape of the dark matter component of the minihalos. However, it strongly affects the behaviour of the gas component. The most probable spin parameter increases from ∼0.03 in the absence of streaming to ∼0.15 for a run with a streaming velocity of three times σrms, corresponding to 1.4 km\,s−1 at redshift z=15. The gas within the minihalos becomes increasingly less spherical and more oblate as the streaming velocity increases, with dense clumps being found at larger distances from the halo centre. The impact of the streaming velocity is also mass-dependent: less massive objects are influenced more strongly, on account of their shallower potential wells. The number of halos in which gas cooling and runaway gravitational collapse occurs decreases substantially as the streaming velocity increases. However, the spin and shape distributions of gas that does manage to cool and collapse are insensitive to the value of the streaming velocity and we therefore do not expect the properties of the stars that formed from this collapsed gas to depend on the value of the streaming velocity. The spin and shape of this central gas clump are uncorrelated with the same properties measured on the scale of the halo as a whole. 

Submitted 12 August, 2020; v1 submitted 24 June, 2019; originally announced June 2019.

Comments: 16 pages, 21 figures, resubmitted to MNRAS


arXiv:1905.05170  [pdfother

Dark matter component decaying after recombination: constraints from diffuse gamma-ray and neutrino flux measurements

Authors: Oleg E. KalashevMikhail Yu. KuznetsovYana V. Zhezher

Abstract: We consider scenario of the dark matter consisting of two fractions, stable part being dominant and a smaller unstable fraction, which has decayed after the recombination epoch. It has been suggested in Ref. [arxiv:1505.03644] that the above scenario may alleviate tension between high-redshift (CMB anisotropy) and low-redshift (cepheid variables and SNe Ia, cluster counts) cosmological measurements. We derive constraints on the heavy relics branching to qq¯, e+e−, μ+μ−, τ+τ−, νeνe¯, νμνμ¯, W+W− and γγ in the above scenario by comparison of the secondary γ and ν fluxes produced by the process with recent diffuse γ and ν flux measurements. 

Submitted 22 June, 2019; v1 submitted 13 May, 2019; originally announced May 2019.

Comments: 9 pages, 5 figures

Report number: INR-TH-2019-009


arXiv:1905.02441  [pdfother

Revisiting Ryskin's Model of Cosmic Acceleration

Authors: Zhiqi HuangHan GaoHaoting Xu

Abstract: Cosmic backreaction as an additional source of the expansion of the universe has been a debate topic since the discovery of cosmic acceleration. The major concern is whether the self interaction of small-scale nonlinear structures would source gravity on very large scales. Gregory Ryskin argued against the additional inclusion of gravitational interaction energy of astronomical objects, whose masses are mostly inferred from gravitational effects and hence should already contain all sources with long-range gravity forces. Ryskin proposed that the backreaction contribution to the energy momentum tensor is instead from the rest of the universe beyond the observable patch. Ryskin's model elegantly solves the fine-tuning problem and is in good agreement with the Hubble diagram of Type Ia supernovae. In this article we revisit Ryskin's model and show that it is {\it inconsistent} with at least one of the following statements: (i) the universe is matter-dominated at low redshift (z≲2); (ii) the universe is radiation-dominated at sufficiently high redshift; (iii) matter density fluctuations are tiny (≲10−4) at the recombination epoch. 

Submitted 9 July, 2019; v1 submitted 7 May, 2019; originally announced May 2019.

Comments: 7 pages; 2 figures; submitted to Astroparticle Physics

Report number: SYSU-SPA-2019 MSC Class: 83F05 ACM Class: J.2

Journal ref: Astroparticle Physics, 114, 77, 2019


arXiv:1902.04512  [pdfpsother

Mirror magnetic field and its impact on dark matter distribution in galaxies

Authors: Ekaterina Kryukova

Abstract: We obtain the value of the mirror magnetic field during different stages of cosmological evolution. We consider the magnetic field generation in the radiation-dominated era and the post-recombination epoch. We also estimate its galactic low-scale value in the process of dynamo amplification. We discuss a possible effect of the mirror magnetic field on the mirror matter distribution in a galaxy. The model can be generalized by assuming the existence of kinetic mixing between ordinary and mirror particles. 

Submitted 12 February, 2019; originally announced February 2019.

Comments: 15 pages, 2 figures, to be published in JETP

Journal ref: JETP Vol. 156 (1) (2019)


arXiv:1901.07174  [pdfother

Clustering of Hotspots in the Cosmic Microwave Background

Authors: Joel LowAbel Yang

Abstract: The physics behind the origin and composition of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is a well-established topic in the field of Cosmology. Literature on CMB anisotropies reveal consistency with Gaussianity, but these were conducted on full multi-frequency temperature maps. In this thesis, we utilise clustering algorithms to specifically conduct statistical analyses on the distribution of hotspots in the CMB. We describe a series of data processing and clustering methodologies conducted, with results that conclusively show that the counts-in-cells distribution of hotspots in the CMB does not follow a Poisson distribution. Rather, the distribution exhibits a much closer fit to both the Negative Binomial Distribution (NBD) and the Gravitational Quasi-Equilibrium Distribution (GQED). From this result, we conclude that structure likely existed in the early universe, from the period of the recombination Epoch, possibly opening new insights in the field of galaxy formation. 

Submitted 21 January, 2019; originally announced January 2019.

Comments: Poster presented at the XLVIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2018)


arXiv:1812.09488  [pdfpsother

The role of some collisional processes in AGNs: rate coefficients needed for modeling

Authors: M. S. DimitrijevicV. A. SreckovicLj. M. IgnjatovicB. P. Marinkovic

Abstract: The importance of some atom hydrogen collisions in AGN has been investigated. The results are useful for better estimate of the hydrogen Balmer lines uxes, which usage for effective temperature diagnostics in astrophysical plasma is limited by errors from the line formation models. The data could be also useful for modeling cooler and denser parts of AGN BLR clouds, as well as for the investigation of Rydberg states of hydrogen and for the study of their in uence during the cosmological recombination epoch. The results of the present work suggest that the investigated processes are of interest for the research and modelling of such media. 

Submitted 14 January, 2020; v1 submitted 22 December, 2018; originally announced December 2018.

Comments: 17 pages, 3 figures

arXiv:1811.03495  [pdfother

The growth of the density fluctuations in the scale-invariant theory: one more challenge for dark matter

Authors: Andre MaederVesselin G. Gueorguiev

Abstract: The growth of the density fluctuations is considered to be an important cosmological test. In the standard model, for a matter dominated universe, the growth of the density perturbations evolves with redshift z like (1/{1+z))^s with s=1. This is not fast enough to form galaxies and to account for the observed present-day inhomogeneities. This problem is usually resolved by assuming that at the recombination epoch the baryons settle down in the potential well of the dark matter previously assembled during the radiation era of the universe. This view is challenged in the present paper by using the recently proposed model of a scale-invariant framework for cosmology that enlarges the invariance group subtending the theory of the gravitation. From the continuity equation, the Euler and Poisson equations written in the scale-invariant framework, the equation governing the growth of the density fluctuations is obtained. Starting from δ= 10^{-5} at a redshift around 1000, numerical solutions for various density background are obtained. The growth of density fluctuations is much faster than in the standard EdS model. The s values are in the range from 2.7 to 3.9 for Ω_m between 0.30 and 0.02. This enables the density fluctuations to enter the nonlinear regime with δ> 1 long before the present time, typically at redshifts of about 10, without requiring the presence of dark matter. 

Submitted 26 February, 2019; v1 submitted 8 November, 2018; originally announced November 2018.

Comments: 16 pages, 5 figures


arXiv:1808.04083  [pdfother

Measuring the Duration of Last Scattering

Authors: Boryana HadzhiyskaDavid N. Spergel

Abstract: The cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations effectively measure the basic properties of the universe during the recombination epoch. CMB measurements fix the distance to the surface of last scatter, the sound horizon of the baryon-photon fluid and the fraction of the energy density in relativistic species. We show that the microwave background observations can also very effectively constrain the thickness of the last scattering surface, which is directly related to the ratio of the small-scale E-mode polarization signal to the small-scale temperature signal. The current cosmological data enables a 0.1\% measurement of the thickness of the surface of last scatter: 19±0.065 Mpc. This constraint is relatively model-independent, so it can provide a new metric for systematic errors and an independent test of the ΛCDM model. On the other hand, it is sensitive to models which affect the reionization history of the universe such as models with annihilating dark matter and varying fundamental constants (e.g., the fine-structure constant, αEM, and electron rest mass, me) and as such can be used as a viable tool to constrain them. 

Submitted 13 August, 2018; originally announced August 2018.

Comments: 6 pages, 5 figures

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 99, 043537 (2019)


arXiv:1805.08773  [pdfother

Exploring compensated isocurvature perturbations with CMB spectral distortion anisotropies

Authors: Taku HagaKeisuke InomataAtsuhisa OtaAndrea Ravenni

Abstract: We develop a linear perturbation theory for the spectral y-distortions of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The y-distortions generated during the recombination epoch are usually negligible because the energy transfer due to the Compton scattering is strongly suppressed at that time, but they can be significant if there is a considerable amount of compensated isocurvature perturbation (CIP), which is not tightly constrained from the present CMB observations. The linear y-distortions explicitly depend on the baryon density fluctuations, therefore y anisotropies can completely resolve the degeneracy between the baryon isocurvature perturbations and the cold dark matter ones. This novel method is free from lensing contaminations that can affect the previous approach to the CIPs based on the nonlinear modulation of the CMB anisotropies. We compute the cross correlation functions of the y-distortions with the CMB temperature and the E mode polarization anisotropies. They are sensitive to the correlated CIPs parameterized by f′≡PCIPζ/Pζζ with Pζζ and PCIPζ being the auto correlation of the adiabatic perturbations and the cross correlation between them and the CIPs. We investigate how well the y anisotropies will constrain f′ in future observations such as those provided by a PIXIE-like and a PRISM-like survey, LiteBIRD and a cosmic variance limited (CVL) survey, taking into account the degradation in constraining power due to the presence of Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect from galaxy clusters. For example, our forecasts show that it is possible to achieve an upper limit of f′<2×105 at 68% C.L. with LiteBIRD, and f′<2×104 with CVL observations. 

Submitted 7 September, 2018; v1 submitted 22 May, 2018; originally announced May 2018.

Comments: 26 pages, 4 figures; v3: the effect of sky-cut is taken into account, JCAP published version

Report number: IPMU 18-0078


arXiv:1805.05315  [pdfother

Magnetic heating across the cosmological recombination era: Results from 3D MHD simulations

Authors: Pranjal TrivediJohannes ReppinJens ChlubaRobi Banerjee

Abstract: The origin of cosmic magnetic fields is an unsolved problem and magnetogenesis could have occurred in the early Universe. We study the evolution of such primordial magnetic fields across the cosmological recombination epoch via 3D magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations. We compute the effective or net heating rate of baryons due to decaying magnetic fields and its dependence on the magnetic field strength and spectral index. In the drag-dominated regime (z≳1500), prior to recombination, we find no real heating is produced. Our simulations allow us to smoothly trace a new transition regime (600≲z≲1500), where magnetic energy decays, at first, into the kinetic energy of baryons. A turbulent velocity field is built up until it saturates, as the net heating rate rises from a low value at recombination to its peak towards the end of the transition regime. This is followed by a turbulent decay regime (z≲600) where magnetic energy dissipates via turbulent decay of both magnetic and velocity fields while net heating remains appreciable and declines slowly. Both the peak of the net heating rate and the onset of turbulent decay are delayed significantly beyond recombination, by up to 0.5 Myr (until z≃600−700), for scale-invariant magnetic fields. We provide analytic approximations and present numerical results for a range of field strengths and spectral indices, illustrating the redshift-dependence of dissipation and net heating rates. These can be used to study cosmic microwave background constraints on primordial magnetic fields. 

Submitted 14 May, 2018; originally announced May 2018.

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome; 22 pages, 26 figures, 2 tables


arXiv:1803.02747  [pdfpsother

Relativistic magnetised perturbations: magnetic pressure vs magnetic tension

Authors: Dimitra TseneklidouChristos G. TsagasJohn D. Barrow

Abstract: We study the linear evolution of magnetised cosmological perturbations in the post-recombination epoch. Using full general relativity and adopting the ideal magnetohydrodynamic approximation, we refine and extend the previous treatments. More specifically, this is the first relativistic study that accounts for the effects of the magnetic tension, in addition to those of the field's pressure. Our solutions show that on sufficiently large scales, larger than the (purely magnetic) Jeans length, the perturbations evolve essentially unaffected by the magnetic presence. The magnetic pressure dominates on small scales, where it forces the perturbations to oscillate and decay. Close to the Jeans length, however, the field's tension takes over and leads to a weak growth of the inhomogeneities. These solutions clearly demonstrate the opposing action of the aforementioned two magnetic agents, namely of the field's pressure and tension, on the linear evolution of cosmological density perturbations. 

Submitted 24 May, 2018; v1 submitted 7 March, 2018; originally announced March 2018.

Comments: Invited contribution to the CQG Focus special issue "Magnetic fields at cosmological scales". Published version

Journal ref: Class.Quant.Grav.35:124001,2018


arXiv:1705.10054  [pdfother

Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the intergalactic medium with primordial magnetic fields

Authors: Teppei MinodaKenji HasegawaHiroyuki TashiroKiyotomo IchikiNaoshi Sugiyama

Abstract: The presence of ubiquitous magnetic fields in the universe is suggested from observations of radiation and cosmic ray from galaxies or the intergalactic medium (IGM). One possible origin of cosmic magnetic fields is the magnetogenesis in the primordial universe. Such magnetic fields are called primordial magnetic fields (PMFs), and are considered to affect the evolution of matter density fluctuations and the thermal history of the IGM gas. Hence the information of PMFs is expected to be imprinted on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) through the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect in the IGM. In this study, given an initial power spectrum of PMFs as P(k)∝B21MpcknB, we calculate dynamical and thermal evolutions of the IGM under the influence of PMFs, and compute the resultant angular power spectrum of the Compton y-parameter on the sky. As a result, we find that two physical processes driven by PMFs dominantly determine the power spectrum of the Compton y-parameter; (i) the heating due to the ambipolar diffusion effectively works to increase the temperature and the ionization fraction, and (ii) the Lorentz force drastically enhances the density contrast just after the recombination epoch. These facts result in making the tSZ angular power spectrum induced by the PMFs more remarkable at ℓ>104 than that by galaxy clusters even with B1Mpc=0.1 nG and nB=−1.0 because the contribution from galaxy clusters decreases with increasing ℓ. The measurement of the tSZ angular power spectrum on high ℓ modes can provide the stringent constraint on PMFs. 

Submitted 23 December, 2018; v1 submitted 29 May, 2017; originally announced May 2017.

Comments: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, published in PRD

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 96, 123525 (2017)


arXiv:1701.02553  [pdfother

Lorentz invariance violation in the neutrino sector: a joint analysis from big bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background

Authors: Wei-Ming DaiZong-Kuan GuoRong-Gen CaiYuan-Zhong Zhang

Abstract: We investigate constraints on Lorentz invariance violation in the neutrino sector from a joint analysis of big bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic microwave background. The effect of Lorentz invariance violation during the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis changes the predicted helium-4 abundance, which influences the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background at the recombination epoch. In combination with the latest measurement of the primordial helium-4 abundance, the Planck 2015 data of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies give a strong constraint on the deformation parameter since adding the primordial helium measurement breaks the degeneracy between the deformation parameter and the physical dark matter density. 

Submitted 14 June, 2017; v1 submitted 10 January, 2017; originally announced January 2017.

Comments: 10 pages, 8 figure

Journal ref: Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 386


arXiv:1604.01776  [pdfother

Effects of Bound States on Dark Matter Annihilation

Authors: Haipeng AnMark B. WiseYue Zhang

Abstract: We study the impact of bound state formation on dark matter annihilation rates in models where dark matter interacts via a light mediator, the dark photon. We derive the general cross section for radiative capture into all possible bound states, and point out its non-trivial dependence on the dark matter velocity and the dark photon mass. For indirect detection, our result shows that dark matter annihilation inside bound states can play an important role in enhancing signal rates over the rate for direct dark matter annihilation with Sommerfeld enhancement. The effects are strongest for large dark gauge coupling and when the dark photon mass is smaller than the typical momentum of dark matter in the galaxy. As an example, we show that for thermal dark matter the Fermi gamma ray constraint is substantially increased once bound state effects are taken into account. We also find that bound state effects are not important for dark matter annihilation during the freeze out and recombination epochs. 

Submitted 6 April, 2016; originally announced April 2016.

Comments: 17 pages, 8 figures

Report number: CALT-TH-2016-005

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 93, 115020 (2016)


arXiv:1510.03877  [pdfother

CosmoSpec: Fast and detailed computation of the cosmological recombination radiation from hydrogen and helium

Authors: Jens ChlubaYacine Ali-Haimoud

Abstract: We present the first fast and detailed computation of the cosmological recombination radiation released during the hydrogen (redshift z ~ 1300) and helium (z ~ 2500 and z ~ 6000) recombination epochs, introducing the code CosmoSpec. Our computations include important radiative transfer effects, 500-shell bound-bound and free-bound emission for all three species, the effects of electron scattering and free-free absorption as well as interspecies (HeII --> HeI --> HI) photon feedback. The latter effect modifies the shape and amplitude of the recombination radiation and CosmoSpec improves significantly over previous treatments of it. Utilizing effective multilevel atom and conductance approaches, one calculation takes only ~ 15 seconds on a standard laptop as opposed to days for previous computations. This is an important step towards detailed forecasts and feasibility studies considering the detection of the cosmological recombination lines and what one may hope to learn from the ~ 6.1 photons emitted per hydrogen atom in the three recombination eras. We briefly illustrate some of the parameter dependencies and discuss remaining uncertainties in particular related to collisional processes and the neutral helium atom model. 

Submitted 13 October, 2015; originally announced October 2015.

Comments: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS


arXiv:1509.00058  [pdfother

A conservative assessment of the current constraints on dark matter annihilation from Cosmic Rays and CMB observations

Authors: Nicolò MasiMario Ballardini

Abstract: In view of the current interest in combining different observations to constraint annihilating WIMP dark matter, we examine the relation between the Sommerfeld effect at the recombination epoch and in the galactic halo. By considering an up-to-date collection of interpolations of cosmic rays lepton data (AMS-02 2014, Fermi and PAMELA), as dark matter annihilation signals, we show that current cosmic rays measurements and recent Planck 2015 constraints from CMB anisotropies almost overlap for dark matter masses of the order of few TeV, although great theoretical uncertainties afflict cosmic rays and dark matter descriptions. Combining cosmic rays fits we obtain proper minimal regions allowed by CMB observations, especially for μ and τ annihilation channels, once assumed viable values of the efficiency factor for energy absorption at recombination: the results are consistent with those obtained by the Planck collaboration but allow a slightly larger overlap between Cosmic Rays constraints from the lepton sector and CMB. Incoming AMS-02 measurements of cosmic rays antiprotons will help to clarify the conundrum. 

Submitted 31 August, 2015; originally announced September 2015.

Comments: 7 pages, 6 figures

Journal ref: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 26, 1750041 (2017)


arXiv:1506.03812  [pdfother

Indirect Dark Matter Signatures in the Cosmic Dark Ages II. Ionization, Heating and Photon Production from Arbitrary Energy Injections

Authors: Tracy R. Slatyer

Abstract: Any injection of electromagnetically interacting particles during the cosmic dark ages will lead to increased ionization, heating, production of Lyman-alpha photons and distortions to the energy spectrum of the cosmic microwave background, with potentially observable consequences. In this note we describe numerical results for the low-energy electrons and photons produced by the cooling of particles injected at energies from keV to multi-TeV scales, at arbitrary injection redshifts (but focusing on the post-recombination epoch). We use these data, combined with existing calculations modeling the cooling of these low-energy particles, to estimate the resulting contributions to ionization, excitation and heating of the gas, and production of low-energy photons below the threshold for excitation and ionization. We compute corrected deposition-efficiency curves for annihilating dark matter, and demonstrate how to compute equivalent curves for arbitrary energy-injection histories. These calculations provide the necessary inputs for the limits on dark matter annihilation presented in the accompanying Paper I, but also have potential applications in the context of dark matter decay or de-excitation, decay of other metastable species, or similar energy injections from new physics. We make our full results publicly available at, to facilitate further independent studies. In particular, we provide the full low-energy electron and photon spectra, to allow matching onto more detailed codes that describe the cooling of such particles at low energies. 

Submitted 3 August, 2015; v1 submitted 11 June, 2015; originally announced June 2015.

Comments: 18 pages, 6 figures, data files and tools available at Accompanying paper to "Indirect Dark Matter Signatures in the Cosmic Dark Ages I. Generalizing the Bound on s-wave Dark Matter Annihilation from Planck". v2 adds references, fixes a small bug, and clarifies a definition. No qualitative changes to results. This version to be submitted to Phys Rev D

Report number: MIT-CTP/4683

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 93, 023521 (2016)


arXiv:1505.03644  [pdfother


Reconciling Planck results with low redshift astronomical measurements

Authors: Z. BerezhianiA. D. DolgovI. I. Tkachev

Abstract: We show that emerging tension between the direct astronomical measurements at low redshifts and cosmological parameters deduced from the Planck measurements of the CMB anisotropies can be alleviated if the dark matter consists of two fractions, stable part being dominant and a smaller unstable fraction. The latter constitutes ∼10 per cent at the recombination epoch if decays by now. 

Submitted 9 September, 2015; v1 submitted 14 May, 2015; originally announced May 2015.

Comments: Replaced with the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, Rapid Communications

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 92, 061303 (2015)


arXiv:1504.00157  [pdfother

Axion production and CMB spectral distortion in cosmological tangled magnetic field

Authors: Damian Ejlli

Abstract: Axion production due to photon-axion mixing in tangled magnetic field(s) prior to recombination epoch and magnetic field damping can generate cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectral distortions. In particular, contribution of both processes to CMB μ distortion in the case of resonant photon-axion mixing is studied. Assuming that magnetic field power spectrum is approximated by a power law PB(k)∝kn with spectral index n, it is shown that for magnetic field cut-off scales 172.5 pc ≤λB≤4×103 pc, axion contribution to CMB μ distortion is subdominant in comparison with magnetic field damping in the cosmological plasma. Using COBE upper limit on μ and for magnetic field scale λB≃415 pc, weaker limit in comparison with other studies on the magnetic field strength (B0≤8.5×10−8 G) up to a factor 10 for the DFSZ axion model and axion mass ma≥2.6×10−6 eV is found. A forecast for the expected sensitivity of PIXIE/PRISM on μ is also presented. 

Submitted 20 August, 2015; v1 submitted 1 April, 2015; originally announced April 2015.

Comments: Typos corrected. Requested by the referee some additional text has been added. Minor changes. Version to be published at EPJ C

Journal ref: Eur. Phys. J. C 75 (8) 397 (2015)


arXiv:1501.07191  [pdfother]  

On the detection of spectral ripples from the Recombination Epoch

Authors: Mayuri Sathyanarayana RaoRavi SubrahmanyanN Udaya ShankarJens Chluba

Abstract: Photons emitted during the epochs of Hydrogen (500≲z≲1600) and Helium recombination (1600≲z≲3500 for HeII → HeI, 5000≲z≲8000 for HeIII → HeII) are predicted to appear as broad, weak spectral distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background. We present a feasibility study for a ground-based experimental detection of these recombination lines, which would provide an observational constraint on the thermal ionization history of the Universe, uniquely probing astrophysical cosmology beyond the last scattering surface. We find that an octave band in the 2--6 GHz window is optimal for such an experiment, both maximizing signal-to-noise ratio and including sufficient line spectral structure. At these frequencies the predicted signal appears as an additive quasi-sinusoidal component with amplitude about 8 nK that is embedded in a sky spectrum some nine orders of magnitude brighter. We discuss an algorithm to detect these tiny spectral fluctuations in the sky spectrum by foreground modeling. We introduce a \textit{Maximally Smooth} function capable of describing the foreground spectrum and distinguishing the signal of interest. With Bayesian statistical tests and mock data we estimate that a detection of the predicted distortions is possible with 90\% confidence by observing for 255 days with an array of 128 radiometers using cryogenically cooled state-of-the-art receivers. We conclude that detection is in principle feasible in realistic observing times; we propose APSERa---Array of Precision Spectrometers for the Epoch of Recombination---a dedicated radio telescope to detect these recombination lines. 

Submitted 28 January, 2015; originally announced January 2015.

Comments: 33 pages, 16 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments welcome


arXiv:1501.04818  [pdfother

The impact of non-Planckian effects on cosmological radio backgrounds

Authors: Sergio ColafrancescoMohammad Shehzad EmrittePaolo Marchegiani

Abstract: Non-Planckian (NP) spectral modifications of the CMB radiation spectrum can be produced due to the existence of a non-zero value of the plasma frequency at the recombination epoch. We present here an analysis of NP effects on the radio cosmological background and we derive, for the first time, predictions of their amplitude on three different observables: the CMB spectrum, the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in cosmic structures, and the 21-cm background temperature brightness change. We find that NP effect can manifest in the CMB spectrum at $ν\simlt 400$ MHz as a drastic cut-off in the CMB intensity. Using the available CMB data in the relevant ν range (i.e., mainly at $\simlt 1$ GHz and in the COBE-FIRAS data frequency range), we derive upper limits on the plasma frequency νp = 206, 346 and 418 MHz at 1, 2 and 3 σ confidence level, respectively. We find that the difference between the pure Planck spectrum and the one modified by NP effects is of the order of mJy/arcmin2 at $ν\simlt 0.5$ GHz and it becomes smaller at higher frequencies where it is ∼0.1 mJy/arcmin2 at $ν\simgt 150$ GHz, thus indicating that the experimental route to probe NP effects in the early universe is to observe the radio cosmological background at very low frequencies.(abridged) 

Submitted 5 May, 2015; v1 submitted 20 January, 2015; originally announced January 2015.

Comments: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in JCAP


arXiv:1411.7427  [pdfpsother

Future detectability of gravitational-wave induced lensing from high-sensitivity CMB experiments

Authors: Toshiya NamikawaDaisuke YamauchiAtsushi Taruya

Abstract: We discuss the future detectability of gravitational-wave induced lensing from high-sensitivity cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. Gravitational waves can induce a rotational component of the weak-lensing deflection angle, usually referred to as the curl mode, which would be imprinted on the CMB maps. Using the technique of reconstructing lensing signals involved in CMB maps, this curl mode can be measured in an unbiased manner, offering an independent confirmation of the gravitational waves complementary to the B-mode polarization experiments. Based on the Fisher matrix analysis, we first show that with the noise levels necessary to confirm the consistency relation for the primordial gravitational waves, the future CMB experiments will be able to detect the gravitational-wave induced lensing signals. For a tensor-to-scalar ratio of r<0.1, even if the consistency relation is difficult to confirm with a high significance, the gravitational-wave induced lensing would be detected at more than 3σ significance level. Further, we point out that high-sensitivity experiments will be also powerful to constrain the gravitational waves generated after the recombination epoch. Compared to the B-mode polarization, the curl mode is particularly sensitive to gravitational waves generated at low redshifts (z<10) with a low frequency (k<10−3 Mpc−1), and it could give a much tighter constraint on their energy density ΩGW by more than three orders of magnitude. 

Submitted 3 March, 2015; v1 submitted 26 November, 2014; originally announced November 2014.

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures, replaced to match the published version in PRD

Report number: RESCEU-46/14, YITP-14-92

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 91, 043531 (2015)


arXiv:1410.8787  [pdfpsother

Recombination of H and He in Yang-Mills Gravity

Authors: Daniel Katz

Abstract: We investigate some aspects of the thermal history of the early universe according to Yang-Mills Gravity (YMG); a gauge theory of gravity set in flat spacetime. Specifically, equations for the ionization fractions of hydrogen and singly ionized helium during the recombination epoch are deduced analytically and then solved numerically. By considering several approximations we find that the presence of primordial helium and its interaction with Lyman series photons has a much stronger effect on the overall free electron density in YMG than it does in the standard, General Relativity (GR) based, model. Compared to the standard model recombination happens over a much larger range of temperatures, although there is still a very sharp temperature of last scattering around 2000 K. Since the ionization history of the universe is not directly observable we discuss how one may use it to predict the CMB power spectrum and thus test YMG. This topic will be explored in detail in an upcoming paper. 

Submitted 26 June, 2015; v1 submitted 31 October, 2014; originally announced October 2014.

Journal ref: International Journal of Modern Physics A, v30, 1550119 (2015)


arXiv:1409.1240  [pdfother

Stability of small-scale baryon perturbations during cosmological recombination

Authors: Tejaswi VenumadhavChristopher Hirata

Abstract: In this paper, we study small-scale fluctuations (baryon pressure sound waves) in the baryon fluid during recombination. In particular, we look at their evolution in the presence of relative velocities between baryons and photons on large scales (k∼10−1 Mpc−1), which are naturally present during the era of decoupling. Previous work concluded that the fluctuations grow due to an instability of sound waves in a recombining plasma, but that the growth factor is small for typical cosmological models. These analyses model recombination in an inhomogenous universe as a perturbation to the parameters of the homogenous solution. We show that for relevant wavenumbers k≳103 Mpc−1 the dynamics are significantly altered by the transport of both ionizing continuum (hν>13.6 eV) and Lyman-α photons between crests and troughs of the density perturbations. We solve the radiative transfer of photons in both these frequency ranges and incorporate the results in a perturbed three-level atom model. We conclude that the instability persists at intermediate scales. We use the results to estimate a distribution of growth rates in 107 random realizations of large-scale relative velocities. Our results indicate that there is no appreciable growth; out of these 107 realizations, the maximum growth factor we find is less than ≈1.2 at wavenumbers of k≈103 Mpc−1. The instability's low growth factors are due to the relatively short duration of the recombination epoch during which the electrons and photons are coupled. 

Submitted 10 August, 2015; v1 submitted 3 September, 2014; originally announced September 2014.

Comments: 20 pages, 13 figures, updated with published version

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 91, 123009 (2015)


arXiv:1403.5407  [pdfpsother

Reheating the Universe Once More: The Dissipation of Acoustic Waves as a Novel Probe of Primordial Inhomogeneities on Even Smaller Scales

Authors: Tomohiro NakamaTeruaki SuyamaJun'ichi Yokoyama

Abstract: We provide a simple but robust bound on the primordial curvature perturbation in the range 104Mpc−1<k<105Mpc−1, which has not been constrained so far unlike low wavenumber modes. Perturbations on these scales dissipate the energy of their acoustic oscillations by the Silk damping after primordial nucleosynthesis but before the redshift z∼2×106 and reheat the photon bath without invoking CMB distortions. This {\it acoustic reheating} results in the decrease of the baryon-photon ratio. By combining independent measurements probing the nucleosynthesis era and around the recombination epoch, we find an upper bound on the amplitude of the curvature perturbation over the above wavenumber range as Pζ<0.06. Implications for super massive black holes are also discussed. 

Submitted 7 August, 2014; v1 submitted 21 March, 2014; originally announced March 2014.

Comments: 3 pages, matches published version in PRL

Report number: RESCEU-7/14

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 061302 (2014)


arXiv:1403.2608  [pdfpsother

21cm fluctuations from primordial magnetic fields

Authors: Maresuke ShiraishiHiroyuki TashiroKiyotomo Ichiki

Abstract: Recent observations of magnetic fields in intergalactic void regions and in high redshift galaxies may indicate that large scale magnetic fields have a primordial origin. If primordial magnetic fields were present soon after the recombination epoch, they would have induced density fluctuations on the one hand and dissipated their energy into the primordial gas on the other, and thereby significantly alter the thermal history of the Universe. Here we consider both the effects and calculate the brightness temperature fluctuations of the 21cm line using simple Monte Carlo simulations. We find that the fluctuations of the 21cm line from the energy dissipation appear only on very small scales and those from the density fluctuations always dominate on observationally relevant angular scales. 

Submitted 25 May, 2014; v1 submitted 11 March, 2014; originally announced March 2014.

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in PRD

Journal ref: Phys.Rev.D89:103522,2014


arXiv:1310.2376  [pdfother


Constraints on millicharged particles from Planck

Authors: A. D. DolgovS. L. DubovskyG. I. RubtsovI. I. Tkachev

Abstract: We revisit cosmic microwave background (CMB) constraints on the abundance of millicharged particles based on the Planck data. The stringent limit Omega_{mcp}h^2 < 0.001 (95% CL) may be set using the CMB data alone if millicharged particles participate in the acoustic oscillations of baryon-photon plasma at the recombination epoch. The latter condition is valid for a wide region of charges and masses of the particles. Adding the millicharged component to LCDM shifts prefered scalar spectral index of primordial perturbations to somewhat larger values as compared to minimal model, even approaching Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum under some assumptions. 

Submitted 9 October, 2013; originally announced October 2013.

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D 88, 117701 (2013)


arXiv:1307.7883  [pdfother

Mixing of gravitons with photons in primordial magnetic fields

Authors: Damian Ejlli

Abstract: Here I discuss the conversion of relic gravitons into photons in large scale cosmological magnetic fields. It is shown that the conversion probability is quite large at the post recombination epoch with a rather large density of formed photons. The produced electromagnetic radiation could make a substantial contribution to the cosmic extragalactic background light and even explain the cosmic x ray background excess. 

Submitted 30 July, 2013; originally announced July 2013.

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures. Talk presented at the "25th Rencontres de Blois, Particle Physics and Cosmology" 26-31 May 2013. To be published at the conference preceedings


arXiv:1307.7469  [pdfother

Feebly Self-Interacting Cold Dark Matter: New theory for the Core-Halo structure in GLSB Galaxies

Authors: Himanshu KumarSharf Alam

Abstract: We explore the low energy cosmological dynamics of feebly self-interacting cold dark matter and propose a new simple explanation for the rotation curves of the core-halo model in massive LSB (Low Surface brightness)galaxies. We argue in favor of the truly collisionless nature of cold dark matter,which is feebly,self-interacting at small scales between epochs of equality and recombination.For this, we assume a model, wherein strongly coupled baryon-radiation plasma ejects out of small regions of concentrated cold dark matter without losing its equilibrium. We use the Merscerskii equation i.e. the variable mass formalism of classical dynamics.We obtain new results relating the oscillations in the CMB anisotropy to the ejection velocity of the baryon-radiation plasma,which can be useful tool for numerical work for exploring the second peak of CMB. Based on this model, we discuss the growth of perturbations in such a feebly self-interacting,cold dark matter both in the Jeans theory and in the expanding universe using Newton's theory.We obtain an expression for the growth of fractional perturbations in cold dark matter,which reduce to the standard result of perturbation theory for late recombination epochs. We see the effect of the average of the perturbations in the cold dark matter potential on the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropy that originated at redshifts between equality and recombination i.e. 1100 < z < z_{eq}. Also we obtain an expression for the Sachs-Wolfe effect,i.e. the CMB temperature anisotropy at decoupling in terms of the average of the perturbations in cold dark matter potential. 

Submitted 1 August, 2013; v1 submitted 29 July, 2013; originally announced July 2013.

Comments: Figure modified, references added, some important changes made. 23 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX. This paper supercedes arXiv:1211.0154


arXiv:1306.1107  [pdfpsother

Non-thermal photons and H2 formation in the early Universe

Authors: Carla Maria CoppolaDaniele GalliFrancesco PallaSavino LongoJens Chluba

Abstract: The cosmological recombination of H and He at z \sim 1000 and the formation of H2 during the dark ages produce a non-thermal photon excess in the Wien tail of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) blackbody spectrum. Here we compute the effect of these photons on the H- photodetachment and H2+ photodissociation processes. We discuss the implications for the chemical evolution of the Universe in the post-recombination epoch, emphasizing how important a detailed account of the full vibrational manifold of H2 and H2+ in the chemical network is. We find that the final abundances of H2, H2+, H3+ and HD are significantly smaller than in previous calculations that neglected the effect of non-thermal photons. The suppression is mainly caused by extra hydrogen recombination photons and could affect the formation rate of first stars. We provide simple analytical approximations for the relevant rate coefficients and briefly discuss the additional effect of dark matter annihilation on the considered reaction rates. 

Submitted 5 June, 2013; originally announced June 2013.

Comments: 10 pages, 12 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRAS


arXiv:1305.6075  [pdfpsother

Graviton creation from the CMB in large scale magnetic fields

Authors: Damian Ejlli

Abstract: Conversion of the CMB photons into gravitational waves at the post recombination epoch is considered. We calculate the probability of transformation of the CMB photons into gravitons in the presence of a large scale magnetic field. Based on the present day limits on the strength of the large scale magnetic field we show that the probability of the produced gravitons as a result of photon to graviton conversion is reasonable and such mechanism would produce an isotropic background of gravitational waves in the same frequency range of the CMB photons. The mechanism proposed would be a rather good opportunity to study the high frequency part of the spectrum of gravitational waves. 

Submitted 27 June, 2013; v1 submitted 26 May, 2013; originally announced May 2013.

Comments: 7 pages, 6 figures, minor changes and new references have been added; published version

Journal ref: Phys. Rev. D. 87, 124029 (2013)

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